
Molodogvardeytcev str., 24, Salavat,
Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
Our time is
Departments contacts
Senior staff receiving office
+7 (3476) 39-36-34
+7 (3476) 39-43-46
+7 (3476) 39-43-46 fax
Administrative support office
+7 (3476) 39-42-33
+7 (3476) 39-42-33 fax
Sales Department
+7 (3476) 39-20-30
+7 (3476) 39-20-44
+7 (3476) 39-27-84 fax
Tender Department
+7 (3476) 39-33-78
+7 (3476) 39-21-79
+7 (3476) 39-33-78 fax
International Department
+7 (3476) 39-21-59
Material and Technical Supply Department
+7 (3476) 39-24-79
Scientific and technological support department
+7 (3476) 39-22-52
Investment activity management
+7 (3476) 39-26-17
+7 (3476) 39-20-91
Technical support department
+7 (3476) 39-44-93
+7 (3476) 39-32-20
Marketing department
+7 (3476) 39-26-07
Logistics department
+7 (3476) 39-31-80
Service department
+7 (3476) 39-48-92
Legal support department
+7 (3476) 39-32-95
Accounts department
+7 (3476) 39-53-43
+7 (3476) 39-42-21
Human resources service
+7 (3476) 39-32-54
To a conclusion of an agreement on a products supply /
services / execution of works,
you need to provide the following documents:
  • Copy of the certificate of tax registration (VAT Id/KPP)
  • Copy of PSRN and sign-up sheet of legal person's registration in Uniform State Register of Legal Entities
  • Copy of Information letter about recording in Statistical Register of Rosstat (statistics codes)
  • Copy of Information letter about usage of Simplified System of Taxation
  • Copy of the Charter
  • Copy of the foundation agreement (if it is available)
  • Copy of regulations (for branches)
  • Signatory Authority (if person, signing the agreement, is acting not on the Charter basis)
  • Partner card with indication of postal and legal address, Surname, First name and Middle name of Director and General accountant, bank details, Surname, First name and Middle name of executive, contact details (phone numbers, e-mail)
Company details

Legal address:
Room No 19, Molodogvardeytcev str., 30, A, Salavat, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, 453256

Postal address:
"Salavat Catalyst Plant" LLC, Salavat-6, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, 453256

VAT ID: 0266032970

IEC: 026601001

OKVED: 24.66.4, 51.55, 51.55.3, 51.55.34, 51.56, 51.70

OKPO: 61182334

Bank details

C/a 40702810000000000871 in SC "Bank Finservice"

Cor/a: 30101810545250000079

BIС: 044525079

Certificate on State Registration of the Legal Entity

Series: 02 №006281158

PSRN: 1090266001165

Federal Tax Service Inspection in Salavat, Republic of Bashkortostan, issued December 02, 2019

Shipping details

Covered wagons, high-sided wagons and barrels with petrochemicals. Station Salavat of Kuybishev Rw. Code of the station 653003.

20 ft, 40 ft railway containers. Station Sterlitamak of Kuybishev Rw. Code of the station 652706. Code of corporate "Salavat Catalyst Plant" LLC — 9145.

For job applicants

Send the completed resume to e-mail

Resume form

Instructions for travel and obtaining entry pass
Molodogvardejcev str., 24, Salavat, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation. Navigator coordinates: latitude N53°23.907´, longitude Е55°54.113´.
  • You should drive along Zelenaya street till Molodogvardeytsev street, turn to the left side at the T-junction.
  • Drive through tram lines directly to Security Check Point (reference mark - title "SALAVAT CATALYST PLANT"), park your car, do not block entry/exit.
  • To receive entry vehicles passes, please, take your documents and drive/go stright along Yakupova street and near by walking breadge turn to the left.
  • At the left side your will see guard house of LLC "Salavat Catalyst Plant". Receive the entry pass and go back to Security Check Point.